Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Study in Revelation -- Introduction

Opening Salvo

Our small group completed a yearlong study in Revelation last weekend. Our new study will be Galatians. I have decided to make the book of Revelation a life study. Our yearlong study did not even scratch the surface of the depth of this wonderful book and I want to learn it. I have two main goals in this study. The first is my belief that by really learning a book of the bible one will learn the whole bible.  Each book of the Bible contains within it references to both Old and New Testament books. By studying in depth I’ll learn more about the whole bible than if I studied each book independently. It will also show me how the whole bible though the books within it are written hundreds of years apart hangs together indicating that though it has many authors it really only has one.

My second purpose in a lifelong study of Revelation is my contrary nature. I have never understood why Pastors are scared half to death to preach or teach out of this book.  This is the only book of the entire bible that carries with it a blessing for all who read it.  Verse 1:3 it says, "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near." It ends with these blessings; verse 22:6 "Behold I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book." and 22:10, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book because the time is near." Yet that is exactly what has happened by pastors who fear preaching from this book.

I don’t mean to say this in a negative way but facts is facts and as a lawyer friend said you cannot argue facts. Oh, while I’m at it I might as well say that I don’t understand why pastors are so afraid of expository preaching either. Now that I’m done with my tirade I will go on to my method of study. (I like blogging because it allows me to write and express what I like knowing that no one will read it anyway. Yet my thoughts are in the air as it were.)

Method of Study

I believe that to effectively study this book or for that matter any book of the Bible. One must stay away from the doctrines of any one denomination or religious philosophy. Because it tends to make one view the bible from an inductive reasoning point of view rather than letting the Holy Spirit speak through the words of the Scripture, deductive point of view. This is not to say that I discount doctrine but I place man-made doctrine as one point of view among many. In my experience doctrine may be argued effectively by any scholar.

I am going to follow these general rules for study:

1.    The bible is divinely inspired in the original language Greek or Hebrew. Translations are just that translations therefore it is important to learn the meaning of words used in the original language when there is a need for clarification of meaning.

2.    When the scripture makes common sense I’ll seek no other sense.  Therefore, I’ll take words and sentences at their primary, ordinary, usual and literal meaning unless context in light of associated passages and obvious and fundamental truths clearly indicate otherwise, i.e. I won’t read into scripture meanings that are not obviously there, I'll not play a form of Bible bingo.

3.    I believe in the law of double reference that two events may be blended into one picture. However, I do not at this time believe in the double fulfillment of prophesy.
4.  I will be objective in my study not favoring one view over the other because of my personal wants, wishes and desired. I love history and Bible study and believe strongly that inserting personal beliefs into the study of each is a great failing among historians and Bible scholars. I believe the study of history and Scripture is and should be a deductive not an inductive study. Let the facts and scriptures speak for themselves. In this way we get a pure view of history and Scripture.

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